Spilled thoughts

Spilled thoughts

Every time I had my heart broken from a relationship that fell apart, I thought I would never love again the same, but the opposite has been true. Each time, I allowed myself the space and time to heal, to return back to myself, to remember that my true capacity for love is endless, unconditional, and infinitely powerful. Because it is. And it is thanks to my unwavering belief in my reservoir of love, and that I am worthy of it, that I keep falling in love again and again, each time loving more profoundly, abundantly, spiritually than ever before. Because the love you give never fades away, the love you give is always worth it, it pours and spills into all the cracks and crevices most dark and obscured from sunlight, exactly where love is most needed. All the people you have ever loved have become more whole, more transformed and uplifted from your energy and your love. None of it was ever in vain or mistakenly given. There is always yet more to offer because the infinite source of it is you, not other people, and as long as you embrace your worthiness and abundance, there will always be more.

Mass Data Uplink Array by Ace Carman

Matthew McConaughey is Mike Ditka. 02.09.25

Matthew McConaughey is Mike Ditka. 02.09.25

Is this a good team for a beginner

I just starten plating this game last week and i wanna know what i could improve

"> I just starten plating this game last week and i wanna know what i could improve

Best sitcom ever

I have seen many sitcoms like Friends, TBBT, Brooklyn Nine Nine, How I met your mother, Young sheldon and Modern Family but nothing made me laugh like the first 8 seasons of Two and a half men. I tried watching SEINFELD and The Office but they weren't my cup of tea. I personally didn't find a single boring episode from the first 8 seasons and i used to laugh till my eyes tear up. I don't think there will ever be a sitcom for me that can ever match Two and a half men, this show was perfection and peak of Chuck Lorre as a creator.

Dance of Knives Rogue rotation

Hi, for the dance of knives rogue - referencing maxroll guide - the rotation confuses me on the last step because it just says "Once your ‍Shadow Clone is ready again, repeat from Step 1." So I have to let go of dance of knives and perform the whole rotation from scratch and then press DOK again? Or I keep holding DOK and press the other CDs just like a maintenance thing .. Its so clunky as it is already my word.

human painter redesign + imaginary friend

Maximize Your Buying Power with KuCoin Cross Margin!

If you’re good at managing risk, Cross Margin can be a game-changer by boosting your potential returns and optimizing how you use your capital. Give Cross Margin a try here! Why is Cross Margin so powerful? • Increased leverage = Larger position sizes 💪 • Shared balances across positions, lowering the risk of liquidation on individual trades • Better capital efficiency—use all your available funds, not just isolated amounts Who benefits the most? • Experienced traders aiming to maximize their capital • Swing traders handling multiple positions simultaneously • Anyone seeking flexible, high-leverage trading without strict margin limits

Authoritarian Rule

How can Taoism be helpful to people living under authoritarian rule? Did Lao Tzu or anyone else have any text relating to it?

Maximize Your Buying Power with KuCoin Cross Margin!

If you’re good at managing risk, Cross Margin can be a game-changer by boosting your potential returns and optimizing how you use your capital. Give Cross Margin a try here! Why is Cross Margin so powerful? • Increased leverage = Larger position sizes 💪 • Shared balances across positions, lowering the risk of liquidation on individual trades • Better capital efficiency—use all your available funds, not just isolated amounts Who benefits the most? • Experienced traders aiming to maximize their capital • Swing traders handling multiple positions simultaneously • Anyone seeking flexible, high-leverage trading without strict margin limits

Help me out

How to get this look more like the reference? And how to draw hair since I am struggling with it .

22 M looking for some connection

I'm a master's student at Delhi University and will be doing mba next year. I'm just here to find some connection with a person as I've been single for like 1 year now. Anyone interested hit me up.

Procurando um sub para fazer venda dos meus conteúdos adultos

i make my own press-ons, can you tell they're kiss prints? ignore my cuticles, im awful at fixing them

RxDB: The JavaScript Database for Instant Local and Backend Sync

RxDB: The JavaScript Database for Instant Local and Backend Sync

SHEIN Free Gifts!

My Code! Do mine first! I've gotten too many people who won't do mine in exchange :( I have clicks for Fishland, Hattrick, Spin to Win, Puppy Keep, Free gifts (Shein only) MY CODE: 7c6qrcad

What’s the best way to learn Irish?

Guys don't be yourself or I'll bully you

Valentine's day sub icon?

Valentine's day is just a week away, can we change the sub icon to some boy love?

Jeg har tjekket el-aftaler, så du ikke behøver [Februar 2025]

Elmarkedet er lidt af en jungle for de fleste. Jeg arbejder som dataspecialist i et netselskab, og jeg plejer at præsentere mig som én af de 11 personer i Danmark, der kan forklare en elregning ;) Jeg vil gerne bruge min viden til at forsøge at gøre elmarkedet lidt mere gennemsigtigt, for det er virkelig det vilde vesten pt! Elleverandørens del af elregningen fylder ca. 25% af elregningen, det er den andel du kan ændre på ved at skifte el-aftale. Netselskabets andel står for ca. 25%, og er [forskellig alt efter hvor i landet du bor](https://nicolaskj.dk/netselskabernes-priser-2025/). De resterende 50% er elafgift. **Skemaet** **i dette indlæg viser elleverandørens fortjeneste**, så der skal tillægges spotpris, elafgift, systemtarif, systemabonnement, nettarif & netabonnement for at få den endelige elpris. Disse tillæg vil altid være ens uanset valg af elleverandør. Priserne er tjekket på elleverandørens egen hjemmeside, samt dobbelttjekket på [stromligning.dk](http://stromligning.dk/), men jeg tager forbehold for fejl - Sig endelig til hvis du finder en :) Husk at prisen ikke er alt! De har vidt forskellig kvalitet af kundeservice, apps, elregnings-design, støtte af grøn strøm eller atomkraft og meget andet. Hent selve regnearket, samt en liste over faste elaftaler og læs mere om de forskellige scores her: [https://nicolaskj.dk/elleverandoer-sammenligning/](https://nicolaskj.dk/elleverandoer-sammenligning/) ![img](m7uk1ie54phe1 "Variable elaftaler februar 2025 priser")

talon investment

I currently have ft huntsman brightwater and ww polygon gloves and i’m thinking about selling them and buying urban masked/scorched talon knife for it. Should I do it or no?

Masaar 2 By Arada - Project of the year 2025!

🔥🔥 Masaar 2 by Arada 🔥🔥 Masaar 2 is an upcoming luxury residential community in Sharjah’s Tilal City, offering a range of 2 to 5-bedroom townhouses 🌳✨ The project is designed to emphasize green spaces, featuring 50,000+ trees 🌿 and a 5KM cycling track 🚴‍♂ with rest areas and cafes ✅ 2BR TH - 1,789sqft Starting Price - 1.5M ✅ 3BR TH - 2,116sqft Starting Price - 2.1M ✅ 4BR TH - 2,634sqft Starting Price - 2.6M ✅ 4BR Villa - 3,183 - 3,772sqft Starting Price - 3.4 M -4 M ✅ 5BR Villa - 4,683 - 5,831sqft Starting Price - 4.5 - 5.6M ✅ Payment Plan 35/65 ✅ Handover - Q4 2027 ✅ EOI - 50k AED it is the first phase of masaar 2 - they might have a total of 5-7 phases in which the developer increases the pricing by 5-8% per launch. get in early & make the most! DM for more info/EOI submission.

LF Gallery Spree

Removing mascara

I have a problem when I remove my mascara, I lose at least 3 lashes every time. I don’t even wear waterproof and I use waterproof micellar water to remove my mascara. Before I get them wet to soften the mascara to make it easier to remove. Does anyone have any tips/tricks to make removing mascara easier and to avoid losing lashes?

Conocen sobre invertir en acciones?

Hace un tiempo eh querido aprender lo que es el trending y meterme mas en ese mundo pero es algo complicado encontrar quien enseñe bien así que decidí sobre comprar acciones, tienen alguna recomendación?

I've been a homeowner for 4 years. These are the biggest things I wish somebody told me on day one.

**1.  Your home equity is a gold-mine. If you need cash, stop taking out high-interest loans.** So many people take out high-interest payday loans – please don’t do this. If you get into trouble you can typically get a relatively low-interest HELOC (a home equity line of credit). Essentially with a HELOC, you’re borrowing against the equity you have in your house and use it for whatever you need (much like a credit card). Typically, you’ll get lower interest rates and more flexible repayment terms compared to traditional loans. Here’s a calculator you can use to see how much/little you could borrow ([link here](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=lt-home&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st)). Side note: if you hate debt, you can still get money out of your home’s equity by using something like [Hometap](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=hometap&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st), where you more or less sell investors a portion of your equity without a loan) **2. Switch auto insurance companies every 6-12 months.** If you haven’t compared auto insurance rates in the last 6 months, you’re probably overspending (on average by \~$400/year[¹](https://betterbuck.net/content/heres-how-much-youre-actually-overpaying-for-car-insurance/?subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1028-New-HELOC1st-Source)).  Example: I cut my car insurance bill by \~$1,300 this year by switching carriers (same exact coverage too) and it took me a whopping 5 minutes. Take two minutes and pull up a comparison site (I used [Coverage.com](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=bankrate&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st), [Auto-Savings.com](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=otto&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st) is fine too) and compare multiple offers from different companies in one go. Worst case scenario: you stay with what you’ve got. Best case scenario: you save a few hundred dollars a year.Here’s a link to a good comparison site:[ link](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=bankrate&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st). **3. Try and find the best price online.** Big stores like Amazon know that no one has time to price shop through dozens of sites, so there’s often no incentive for them to offer bargain prices. I typically hate browser extensions with a fiery passion, but Capital One Shopping has always worked well for me and I'd recommend trying it ([link here](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=capitalone2&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st)). When you shop online (on Amazon or elsewhere) it will automatically compare prices for you, and auto-apply coupon codes when possible. **4. Get yourself a dang advisor.** Most people are under the false impression that financial advisors are just for wealthy people. They absolutely aren’t: if you have a net worth of $100k+, you can typically qualify for an advisor. Having an advisor typically increases your yearly returns by 3%[¹](https://corporate.vanguard.com/content/dam/corp/articles/pdf/putting_value_on_your_value_quantifying_vanguard_advisors_alpha.pdf) (mostly due to smarter tax planning) If you don’t have an advisor in your family, use a site like [WiserAdvisor](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=wiser&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st) or [Zoe Financial](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=zoe&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st) to find somebody with good reviews in your area. **5. You don't have to pay off your debt by yourself.** Very few people know about it, but If you have $10k+ in debt, you can technically ask a debt relief to come in and take over the process for you.  It’ll typically save you 23% off your total debt, after fees (according to NDR, a big debt relief company).  They’ll negotiate with your creditors and try to get your debt reduced (then they take a cut of the savings). Typically people who are struggling with debt save 23% on avg. when they ask for help from debt relief companies. Here’s a little calculator you can use to see how much you’d potentially save: [link](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=ndr2&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st)). **6. Save on home insurance.** Some homeowners save $1k+/year just by switching home insurance providers (typically saving them more than changing auto insurance policies). If it’s been over a year since you’ve reviewed your rates, it might be worth taking a few minutes to compare offers. Here’s a home insurance comparison site I’ve used: ([link](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=bankrate-home&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st)).

I've been a homeowner for 4 years. These are the biggest things I wish somebody told me on day one.

**1.  Your home equity is a gold-mine. If you need cash, stop taking out high-interest loans.** So many people take out high-interest payday loans – please don’t do this. If you get into trouble you can typically get a relatively low-interest HELOC (a home equity line of credit). Essentially with a HELOC, you’re borrowing against the equity you have in your house and use it for whatever you need (much like a credit card). Typically, you’ll get lower interest rates and more flexible repayment terms compared to traditional loans. Here’s a calculator you can use to see how much/little you could borrow ([link here](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=lt-home&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st)). Side note: if you hate debt, you can still get money out of your home’s equity by using something like [Hometap](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=hometap&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st), where you more or less sell investors a portion of your equity without a loan) **2. Switch auto insurance companies every 6-12 months.** If you haven’t compared auto insurance rates in the last 6 months, you’re probably overspending (on average by \~$400/year[¹](https://betterbuck.net/content/heres-how-much-youre-actually-overpaying-for-car-insurance/?subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1028-New-HELOC1st-Source)).  Example: I cut my car insurance bill by \~$1,300 this year by switching carriers (same exact coverage too) and it took me a whopping 5 minutes. Take two minutes and pull up a comparison site (I used [Coverage.com](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=bankrate&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st), [Auto-Savings.com](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=otto&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st) is fine too) and compare multiple offers from different companies in one go. Worst case scenario: you stay with what you’ve got. Best case scenario: you save a few hundred dollars a year.Here’s a link to a good comparison site:[ link](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=bankrate&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st). **3. Try and find the best price online.** Big stores like Amazon know that no one has time to price shop through dozens of sites, so there’s often no incentive for them to offer bargain prices. I typically hate browser extensions with a fiery passion, but Capital One Shopping has always worked well for me and I'd recommend trying it ([link here](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=capitalone2&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st)). When you shop online (on Amazon or elsewhere) it will automatically compare prices for you, and auto-apply coupon codes when possible. **4. Get yourself a dang advisor.** Most people are under the false impression that financial advisors are just for wealthy people. They absolutely aren’t: if you have a net worth of $100k+, you can typically qualify for an advisor. Having an advisor typically increases your yearly returns by 3%[¹](https://corporate.vanguard.com/content/dam/corp/articles/pdf/putting_value_on_your_value_quantifying_vanguard_advisors_alpha.pdf) (mostly due to smarter tax planning) If you don’t have an advisor in your family, use a site like [WiserAdvisor](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=wiser&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st) or [Zoe Financial](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=zoe&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st) to find somebody with good reviews in your area. **5. You don't have to pay off your debt by yourself.** Very few people know about it, but If you have $10k+ in debt, you can technically ask a debt relief to come in and take over the process for you.  It’ll typically save you 23% off your total debt, after fees (according to NDR, a big debt relief company).  They’ll negotiate with your creditors and try to get your debt reduced (then they take a cut of the savings). Typically people who are struggling with debt save 23% on avg. when they ask for help from debt relief companies. Here’s a little calculator you can use to see how much you’d potentially save: [link](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=ndr2&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st)). **6. Save on home insurance.** Some homeowners save $1k+/year just by switching home insurance providers (typically saving them more than changing auto insurance policies). If it’s been over a year since you’ve reviewed your rates, it might be worth taking a few minutes to compare offers. Here’s a home insurance comparison site I’ve used: ([link](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=bankrate-home&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st)).

Can someone else use my code I just need one more

Accept my invite & Get 4 freebies! Download Temu and search my code to accept my invitation: 94624131

How to sum from multiple transaction journals?

Hello, i have multiple database of transaction journals (eg: a database for "pears" with amount column, in/out selector columns, a database for carrots, with same columns etc). I cannot use a single table, because every item category has multiple varieties and their own properties as 2nd level of analysis, therefore mixing everything together would become a hell of a database. Eg: i can have in my warehouse Carrots, Apples, but also Screws, Water bottles, etc... > apples have variety, color, etc, while screws may have "quantity per box", plating, etc. i would like to sum everything up in a new table capable of: \- Sum of quantities & values for each item category (eg: all screws from screws database: quantity stored and value stored) \- % Worth (in value) of each category on the warehouse (eg: what % is Apples value over the total?) in the "sumup" database the rows should be like \- Apples (quantity, value, % on total $) \- Screws (quantity, value, % on total $) \- Carrots (quantity, value, % on total $) and so on. The first problem i have, is that i don't know how to bridge each row in sumup database with its source database without impacting on all other rows. Any idea? In excel it's supereasy, but here i can't and i would like to learn how to. Thanks!